this is your

opt-in title

what you'll get:

feature about the opt-in

Give me a little bit of info about what I can expect if I download your opt-in! What is it? What type of deliverable? What am I going to get out of it? This is the space to tell me!

another feature or perk

This is a great space to hone in on another feature or benefit of the download you want me to take action on. Or maybe tell me about what I can expect beyond the opt-in like your newsletter content and etc. 

pre-loaded opt-in forms

This template comes ready made for Mailchimp and Convertkit forms. I break down step by step how to edit these forms so they match your brand in the included Showit Off! Master Class with your purchase! Don't forget to embed YOUR form code!

and a short contextual subheading about it goes here!

download your freebie

By joining, you'll get this exclusive worksheet for free and be added to our newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

This is a space for your introduction! Try to keep this short and sweet. This is just a friendly hello with a little bit of authority and social proof building around what your opt-in is about. Not your whole story!

Gummies lollipop pudding gummi bears jelly-o soufflé marshmallow candy. Sugar plum jelly-o chupa chups liquorice pastry bear claw cheesecake bonbon lollipop. Cookie sweet cake muffin cake.

Oat cake lollipop liquorice icing cake tiramisu caramels. Cheesecake liquorice biscuit croissant sweet roll dessert jelly. Sesame snaps brownie tootsie roll chocolate cake.

Gingerbread cookie cotton candy donut danish topping. Bonbon halvah croissant. 


your title goes here

get the worksheet
in your inbox

what you'll learn (or get):

this is a bullet point for a quick win or tip or expectation your potential subscriber needs to know!

this is a bullet point for a quick win or tip or expectation your potential subscriber needs to know!

this is a bullet point for a quick win or tip or expectation your potential subscriber needs to know!




as seen in